Mindfulness Cultivation
“My religion is simple. My religion is kindness.”
Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama
Spiritual Dilemma
We are currently encountering the greatest health crisis we have ever faced: We are in the midst of a spiritual crisis. We are cut off from our hearts and are acting out our deepest traumas, pasts, and habits. Doing so creates a stress response within the mind-body complex. This dilemma is the Dis-Integration, Dis-Connection, and Dis-Embodiment that takes us away from our inner wisdom. To fully experience life wholesomely, we must begin to integrate, connect, and embody our lives. |
Integration of Soul Into Patient Care
Research is moving very rapidly both in understanding the way the body carries out the many cellular activities and how it impacts the stress response. But maybe more exciting is that the field of consciousness studies has grown exponentially. Whether you call it consciousness, Spirit, Soul, God, buddha nature, or many other descriptions, without a question there is a unifying field of energy of which we are all connected into. Our healthcare system must begin to reconcile the sheer nonsense that some feel that the field of consciousness has no place in healthcare. While it is a strong statement, after years of working in healthcare and seeing thousands of patients, Sherri has seen the strong association between integrating Soul into patient care and the positive patient health outcomes that can result. |
The Integrative-Functional Medicine Treatment Plan |
ContactTelemedicine. Contact by email or call 775-403-5757.
Effective February, 2024, I will have some limited availability for in-person visits on Wednesdays only. Office location: 6630 South McCarran Blvd., B-18, Reno, Nevada 89509. In-person visits are scheduled through ChARM. Testimonials"Throughout my 40s, I sought help from different professionals for perimenopausal and relationship issues. In Sherri, I found a trusted guide to help me navigate the turbulent waters...." |